Sunday, September 7, 2008


So like most places, this sushi restaurant that loops through the center of the restaurant. One side is bar seating and the other is booths (both have access to the conveyor belt). If you want something, just grab it. If you want something on the menu that you're not seeing on the belt, you can ask one of the employees and they will call the order into the microphone so the sushi chef can start preparing it. There are faucets on the counter with very hot tea for green tea (which is free most places). Unbelievably fresh rice, my cucumber rolls were warm because the rice had just come out of the cooker.

I have the same cell phone as Brad Pitt and Cameron Diaz!

Every inch of the SoftBank store is covered in these pictures. Cameron is the most prominently featured and is dressed in a kaleidoscope of colors (a different one in each poster) to advertise this phone: However, I opted out and got this little gem instead (you can see a perfect cartoon image of my phone if you watch this video to the end!) :

Monday, September 1, 2008

Last night in Okayama. The Insanity.

Self-explanatory pictures. I miss you all so much! I'm ready for November training!