Sunday, October 19, 2008

Halloween Costume Ideas.

So I had one brilliant idea for a Halloween costume but since Halloween is so close I don't know if I'll have time to pull it all together by the end of the week. MJ is one easy option to use as a back-up. I found this video while looking for outfits and DANG, the VMA's used to be kind of good apparently!

Which led me to a second possible back-up: Britney Spears VMA disaster. Then I thought, no, no, I don't think Japan can handle the sequined underwear. Maybe in Tokyo, but not here. But I did end up finding this gem (it's not what you think it is):


Kasey said...

oh man, michael jackson was SO GOOD back in the day.

Mizi said...

dear lord...
I love that second video...the gentle bulge of their upper lips because of their braces makes me yearn for my faded